Wednesday, 28 November 2012

The Low ROI Of Narcissists.

I've long been a sceptic of the value of Facebook Likes and Twitter retweets as measures of anything but the narcissism of the people clicking on the butons.

It's largely been a gut-feeling that's occasionally backed up by anecdotal evidence. Take, for example, the experience of the well-known blogger who was delighted to receive a huge number of retweets of his tweet announcing a new blogpost and slightly less delighted to realize later that those retweets outnumbered the aggregate number of page-views the post received in the following week.

So, I was very pleased to see that we now have a statistial analysis that showed that 16% of 2.7 million studied tweets followed the same pattern.

Meanwhile, over at Facebook, the fact that Mitt Romney has lost 100,000 of his 12 million Likes in the past two weeks doesn't mean that the GOP vote has collapsed in the same time. It's not about him, it's not about voting intentions, it's about Facebook users not wanting to be associated with a losing candidate.

 But where something is measurable (or at least countable), there will always be interested parties eager to asign their meaning to that which they've counted. As ever, make sure you understand what's being measured and, more importantly, why.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Market Segmentation Strategy

Market segmentation strategy is to divide the market into groups, where individuals have the same needs and desires of the services and products. It could also be a segmentation of persons on the basis of behavior, culture and the economic situation. To have one idea more clear of what is the segmentation of the market, you can always look at the definition provided by business. It is defined as "The process of definition and sub-frontloading dividing a homogeneous big market in clearly identifiable segments that have the same needs, desires or characteristics of the demand".

Why a market segment?

Prior to the marketing of products or services, it is necessary to understand their customers, and find ways and means to meet your needs. This is essential to stay ahead of the competition and build the brand. This is done through extensive market research. Although it is not possible to meet individual needs and understand all of them, a clearly defined market segmentation strategy will help to create a market to serve groups of individuals that make economic sense to mass produce and distribute. The concept of objective market segmentation strategy also falls under this blanket, except the first acknowledges and understands the diversity of customers and offers them products and services that adapt to your specific needs. A successful strategy in the market strives to understand different segments and their different needs, the works exhibited in the common wants and responds immediately.

Strategies for market segmentation

How is a segmented market is based on certain variables. The variables used for segmentation include: differences behavioral, demographic, psychographic and geographic.

Psychographic segmentation
The segmentation of the people according to their style of life and its values, and how translates into consumption or purchases of products or services is what about the psychographic segmentation. Is like an interest, opinions, values, attitudes, and activities that perform, affect their decisions and why a group of people who leaned toward one product more than others.? A high status would mean an expensive habit fly, while a value of savings will result in a flight of the economy.
Geographic segmentation
Geographic segmentation is done by dividing people (markets) in different geographic locations. Country, State or district, the King of the high bourgeoisie, climate, the size of a place segmented in their population size in age of sages, etc, all play a role in the development of market strategies. This helps producers and marketers to understand what is going to sell and what not. For example, a market of winter clothes that definitely won't work in warm regions.
Demographic segmentation
Demographic segmentation refers to a comprehensive study of potential customers. Whereas the marketing of a product, many variables such as age, gender, education, income, size of family, occupation, socioeconomic status, culture, religion, language, nationality and are taken into account. There are many cases in which such segmentation has worked very profitable. This segmentation plays a vital role in the determination of whether a product can be marketed in mass or designed for a specific clientele.
Behavior segmentation
Behavioral segmentation is based on the needs of the client and the reaction back to these needs or for the purchase of products and / or services. This study is carried out in all the variables that are closely related to the product itself, as loyalty to a brand in particular, the profitability in terms of benefits and use the circumstances responsible for the purchase, if the customer is a regular, a first timer, and or has the potential of becoming a client, and if the willingness to buy is linked to the condition.

Successful Marketing Strategies

For any business that flourish and ultimately be profitable, a good marketing strategy should be employed. Each company or business organization carried out a series of activities in order to meet its goal of the main organization, the profit. Marketing is a process that starts from the beginning of the design of the product, just until the moment in which the consumer actually buys the product. As question in fact does not end when the consumer buys the product, customer service and relationship with the customer are also other forms of marketing well.

What is Marketing

Philip Kotler, the father of the modern marketing management, defines it as "the satisfaction of needs and desires" through a process of change. Another definition is "The management process responsible for identifying, anticipate and satisfy customer cost-effective".

It is clear from these definitions that the marketing has to be addressed to someone. It cannot be generic in nature, it is necessary to have a purpose. When a luxury car manufacturer develops its strategy that knows what the age group and income level of their customers are going to fall in. so is modified to adapt it to the needs and expectations of the target customer segment. Marketing revolves around a single person, the client, and go to any extreme to identify first what are the client's needs are, and then meet those needs.

Today's marketing strategies have become very focused on the customer, and this is very different from the old days. The reason for this is the large number of options and options that the client has today, along with the large amount of income available in their hands. This has greatly increased competition among the sellers, and the only way to attract customers is through effective marketing.

The marketing process

Marketing is a process that begins from the day on which a product is conceptualized. Characteristics, attributes and benefits of the product must be perfectly adapted to the needs and wishes of the customer, and this should be taken into account by the marketer. For this reason, larger companies spend so much money on research and development and constant innovation of its products. The key elements of a good marketing strategy are innovation and competitive advantage. Companies constantly striving to be better than its competitors in a constant supply of new products and innovative are those who enjoy most of the market share in its industry in particular.

Once the product has been developed and manufactured, customers need to be aware of the availability of the product. This is done on a large scale through advertising and direct sales. The use of different media such as Internet, television, radio, newspapers, magazines, newspapers, billboards, etc gives seller the platform for reaching a mass of people at the same time. Stressing the usefulness of the product and the novelty is the key element. Providing customers with different types of discounts, bonuses and free merchandise is also great to attract customers.

Once the product has been sold, the work of the seller is apparently more, since its task was to ensure that customer buys your product. This is as far away from reality as possible. The name of the game is customer retention, as rivals always looking to steal customers from any business. By focusing on customer satisfaction, a company that maintains its power on the client and this only can be achieved by good after sales service, quick-fix solutions complaint, informing about future offers and products and the overall management of relationships with clients (CRM). Before leaving to get more customers, it is important to build a solid foundation to retain and satisfy existing customers.

The four PS

The concept of the 4 PS of the marketing mix, is a timeless technique of the categorization of the various strategies. By keeping these 4 P in the mind of any seller can adopt and reap the benefits. Failure to this may result in a disaster and the failure of the organization.

Product: The most important thing is the product. It has to be useful, and innovative. There has to be a need for this specific type of product in the mind of the customer. Product engineering is focused on making the best products to satisfy the customer.
Price: The next most important thing is the price of the product. If a product is too expensive, customers may search and opt for cheaper alternatives. The quality of the product should be worth the price and vice versa.
Location: This refers to l

Friday, 16 November 2012

Marketing promotion ideas

Marketing is an essential activity for any company, whether in any sector, such as the development of software, manufacturing, medicine, trade retail, etc plays a very important role in allowing customers to know that a company offers a product for sale. Even if the product is not as beneficial and helpful for consumers, with effective marketing strategies, the product can be sold to consumers more than expected. There are many marketing plans and strategies that are used by companies to advertise and promote their products in the market.
What ideas are used entirely depends on how big is the company.? If it's a large company, you pay more money for advertising and marketing purposes. If the company is small, it uses some simple and low-cost alternatives for advertising.

Advertising on the Internet
Nowadays, more and more companies are still dependent on the Internet marketing and advertising. This is a method of advertising that no doubt has the capacity to reach people who are beyond their geographical boundaries. If people from another State or country that you want to test your product, which would send to the orders of his region, which in turn would have an impact positive in the limits of your advertising budget.

Email marketing is a very good option for people around the world know about your products and services. You can use newsletters online make your potential customers into regular customers. Newsletters online and brochures are considered one of the new more efficient marketing and promotion ideas.

The company booths
The creation of a company at a trade fair stand is a very good idea for small businesses to display and announce its line of products for consumers. You can sponsor a team of teenagers to carry out such a campaign and give demonstrations short of products and services offered. This is really a low cost option for companies that cannot afford the luxury to spend much on advertising.

Offering free samples for use
Affordable alternative to advertising promotions and product is the distribution of free samples to potential consumers. In this case, while it should give some samples and the expense of itself, feedback and response that you receive from customers would great. In general, most of the people who have used free samples tend to return for a final purchase of good products.

Press releases
This is however an expensive alternative for small businesses, but this advertising strategy comes directly to the target audience. You can keep press releases in your locality to launch your product. However, to get a good response from consumers, your company needs to have a good reputation in the minds of the people with regard to the guarantee of quality in the products we offer.

Sponsor a charitable activity
This is the best method to get your company in the spotlight. Sponsor an event for a charitable organization that favor him. The media never lost from charity events, that might be a good advantage for the promotion of your product.

Free merchandise
Many companies take the help of this method of advertising for products, which includes the distribution of free stuff such as t-shirts, caps, mugs, bags, etc with your company name and information printed on them. Although recipients may consider these free goods as gifts, their products are advertised widely, which can increase your business dramatically.

Promotion of products Via competitions
The holding of a public announcement is another good way to get your company promoted products. You can configure your products gift basket for the winners of these competitions. With these contests, can attract public attention and their services can also be made well known.

These are some of the ideas of marketing promotion that you can use for projects of promotion of products in your company. Once your product is widely known, shall constitute in itself a kind of basis for the promotion of other products that your company will be launched.

Marketing ideas for restaurants

Did you know that ninety percent of all restaurants go out of business the first year. This could be due to a number of reasons, such as unattractive food, poor service or poor marketing strategy. You can be sure that the food in the restaurant is of the highest quality and service is impeccable, but you need good marketing ideas if you want to be a success. The restaurant business is a difficult question, with numerous new restaurants that have to compete with, as well as attract the customers of the older restaurants. Moreover, customers of his restaurant will be very fickle and dine somewhere else if you make a mistake. Therefore, it is very important that your restaurant should not only serve the most delicious food with great service, but must have the appropriate marketing strategy.
Recognize your target group
You know and I think that the food they serve at your restaurant is very tasty and delicious. However, your customers don't know it. It is necessary to recognize before their target customers and place some ads of his restaurant in newspapers, magazines and newsletters.

Advertising in newspapers
If you have a very elegant restaurant with an à la carte and an impressive wine list, then it is best run a full color advertisement of his restaurant in the local newspaper. If on the contrary, his restaurant is more as a dinner nice neighborhood that serves meals at affordable prices in the family, then the placement of ads in the bulletin and flyers is sufficient.

Advertise your USP
Always try to sell single points of sale of his restaurant. Its restaurant specializes in meat dinners, delicious desserts of chocolate or even seafood. Publicity of these singular points of his restaurant guarantees your potential customer make their restaurant a success.

Reception food events / events
One of the best marketing ideas is host events of food with a special theme like Hawaiian food, Italian food, or any other popular cuisine, but exotic. Make sure that plenty of variety has the food you offer and decorate your restaurant on that topic. This is a very good way to get more customers to come to your restaurant and to give regular customers a reason to return.

Organize a tasting Menu
Another big advertising idea is to have a tasting menu for the days that are a little slow as Monday and Tuesday nights. You must have noticed that while you have a waiting list for the dinner menu, the lunch is quite slow, with very few people to drift in. not really is a great wild customer base for the lunch hour. People who work in the Office do not have time to have a leisurely meal seven dishes and want something that is fast, affordable and successful. Thus, instead of having an elaborate lunch menu, simplifying its lunch menu with some options quick and healthy such as soups, stews and sandwiches. Make sure that you have announced in these nearby offices and businesses and is sure to attract more customers in the lunch hour.

Organize contests
The organisation of a competition is one of the best marketing ideas. You can have a contest eating cake, as chipped oyster or make a delicious dessert. The winner may be presented with a free dinner for two with a bottle of wine.

Some other things that you should remember is to mix your menu every two or three months so that you have more variety and can incorporate fruits and vegetables in season. In addition, menu design must be attractive with attractive printed dishes in an elegant front name. If you follow some ideas of marketing such in your restaurant, then you are sure to succeed.

Monday, 12 November 2012

B2C Marketing Strategies

The author of famous business management, Philip Kotler defines marketing as an art. Yes, it is an art. With a number of companies and marketing agencies running actively on the market, the real art is to create a unique selling proposition (USP), which makes your business stand out from the rest. Speaking specifically of strategies of B2C marketing, the target market is consumers who may or may not be familiar with the techniques of business and principles, and will be more focused on getting good products at a lower price. Therefore, should maintain the point of view of the consumer as the base while the construction of these strategies.

What is B2C Marketing?

B2C marketing can be defined as the company that provides goods or services to a consumer based market. B2C marketing examples include targeted marketing to the retail consumer online stores purchases, etc the term discount marketing 'B2C' is rarely used these days, but undoubtedly played an important role in the rapid growth and development of Commerce at the end of the 20th century. Later, when the capital markets slowed, many companies marketing B2C transformed into the marketing business to business (B2B) companies.

Difference between B2B and B2C marketing

Although both types are involved in the sale of goods or the provision of services, the difference lies in the basic pattern. Let's talk about the basic differences between the two.

Business to Consumer (B2C) Marketing
(You need this product, we have it for you!)

⇨ B2C marketing is when a company offers products or services to the consumer market.

⇨ When it comes to marketing B2C strategies, its base must be consumer-oriented. It is necessary to emphasize more on the benefits and features of the products and / or services that you are trying.

⇨ B2C marketing strategies are based on emotional decisions based on consumers, while facing different human beings have different expectations and priorities when purchasing products.

⇨ Marketing B2C, final consumers are mainly domestic consumers, which means that there is a huge target market. In addition, the sales process is very small because it deals directly with the final consumer.

⇨ Another point of difference is that in B2C marketing, consumers rely on the seller to acquire knowledge about the product and services. Buyers would choose you, based on the USP and the uniqueness of the product you offer.
Business to Business (B2B) Marketing
(This is the product, we are going to sell to you!)

⇨ B2B marketing is the company that sells goods and / or services to other companies.

⇨ a. Unlike B2C strategies, when it comes to B2B marketing strategies, the main focus is based on the benefit. Strategies are structured on the basis of the logic detail in profitability.

⇨ Marketing B2B, strategies are based on pure knowledge and logic. It is not very less or no emotion personnel involved between the two parties involved. They are companies that are seeking the benefits of the organization.

⇨ In B2B marketing, it is companies, which means that the target market is relatively small compared to B2C. The sales process is more complicated and involves many steps, including e-mails, appointments, presentations, etc.

⇨ In B2B marketing, you are selling your products and services to companies that are aware of the features and other essential details about the services we offer. Buyers who go for you, based on the profitability.

Some useful B2C marketing strategies

It is clear that the basis of these strategies should be oriented to the consumer as already explained above, and only then become successful marketing strategies. Below are some of the strategies that embrace the houses of business for successful commercialization in order to reach the target consumer market.

⇨ Marketing campaigns: publicity always helps to reach the target market in terms of awareness of the characteristics and the USP of the products. Successful marketing campaigns also arise some jobs marketing B2C, as a representative of the company that goes directly to the potential consumers and gives to know the products / services offered by the company. This is mainly done in the B2C marketing offline.

⇨ online advertising strategies: strategies of advertising online such as PPC and Podcast are some of the sources more effective and efficient advertising online in various search engines, what qu

Friday, 9 November 2012

Diversification Strategy

A company's diversification strategy is a business strategy intended to increase earnings by increasing sales volume. This increase in sales volume is produced through the launch of new products and the identification of new market segments. It can be deployed at business unit level as well as at the corporate level. In case that the business unit level, the strategy can be implemented for the expansion of the company through the presentation of a new segment in relation to the existing business. In case of corporate level, however, the target area is a new business, which is not related to the existing business unit. Some of the more prominent examples include a company specialized in pencil production opting for the production of erasers or a company specializing in alcoholic beverages that come in the airlines sector.

Types of diversification strategies

A company's diversification strategy can include several plans, ranging from the development of a new product to licensing of new technologies, or a combination of one or more of these plans. There are basically three types of diversification strategies.

Concentric diversification: in this case, the technology used in the industry remains the same, while the plan of marketing changes to a significant degree. This strategy requires technological similarities between two commercial enterprises. Technical knowledge turns out to be an advantage when it is concentric diversification.

Horizontal diversification: in this case, the technology used is not at all related to the existing business of the company. Although existing products are not related to the new company, the current customer base of the company is taken into account when it comes up with these new products. This strategy has proven to be advantageous in a scenario of competitive market, where the company has a loyal customer base.

Lateral diversification: as in the case of horizontal diversification, even lateral diversification stands out for products that are not related to the existing line of products. The only exception in this case, however, is that the company is directed to a new segment of customers, rather than serve their existing loyal customers.

Pros and cons

Advantages of diversification
There are several methods by which diversification strategy, the most common among them acquisitions and joint ventures can be implemented. Diversification can help companies to develop their full potential in a developing economy. In the case of concentric diversification a strong brand can help in the mobilization of new products belong to that brand. You can help the company in the dissemination of its customer base. It also helps in improving the product portfolio of the company by introducing products complementing the market.

Cons of diversification
In the case of diversification through acquisitions, should make sure that the people at managerial level are well versed in the process to be followed for the company to acquire. If you are not armed with people who can handle these things, from the root of the herb can become a tedious task. It must take account of the efforts that are required to operate the business, and if the efforts required are more than the benefit obtained, it is best to stay away from the company. The lack of knowledge about the current situation of the market really could turn against you everywhere. Go against the fundamental values of the company, for the sake of gain is also recommended, which in turn limits their options.

Among the four strategies enlisted in the Ansoff matrix product-market growth, this strategy is, by far, the. Increased risk, and therefore requires an investigation before implementing the accuracy in the determination of segment diana is the key to a diversification strategy with a successful company at the end of the day.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Marketing Promotion Methods

It is said that "customers are kings and they in fact are. The marketing departments of each tooth fight firmly and nail to attract customers and boost sales of its products. Methods of promotion are important and efficient marketing strategies of various companies. While millions of dollars are spent on methods of advertising, marketing promotion methods are relatively less expensive and can be more effective.

What is the promotional Marketing?
Promotional marketing is a tool that is designed to attract customers to buy a company's products. In general, promotional marketing is carried out by companies to launch their products or attract more potential customers. Before designing any promotional marketing strategy, companies must make sure assign a budget to the promotional marketing and establish a goal that gives them maximum return on the money invested.

Promotion strategies
Basically, there are two strategies for promotion, strategy of push and pull strategy. According to the strategy of thrust, sellers offer generous discounts and benefits to customers, so sales can increase dramatically. One of the most successful strategies, the method of giving discounts is often successful for most companies. In the push strategy, focuses mainly on reducing advertising costs. The other strategy, attraction strategy minimizes the use of different channels and the attention is focused on the advertising of the product. Its aim is to create a potential market for the products of the company.

Advertising is a costly method of promotional marketing, in which products are made to reach a large number of people. For example, through the use of electronic media, television, radio, press and billboards, outdoor advertisers target the audience and try to create an impact on customers.

Personal sales
One of the oldest forms of direct promotion is to sell the products of direct interaction between the seller and the buyer. It is believed that it is the most difficult marketing form, since it requires persuasion skills and excellent communication skills.

An effective, popular and preferred shape most of the methods of promotion is to fix certain contests for customers. We'll all be in accordance with the fact that win surprise prizes at a mall or fashion store is simply exciting. One of the strategies of marketing more attractive, organize competitions between customers is a brilliant way to promote products.

Pamphlets / coupons
In the quest to attract more customers, coupons and brochures on products distribution companies. Clients are well will receive basic information about the products recently launched or are given coupons of discount on the purchase of some accessories / apparel. Coupons for making a plan of effective marketing for small business units.

Free samples
The idea of open source products, sounds weird and crazy for any company, however, there is a certain element of truth in the fact that marketing companies have won through the substantial promotion idea of free samples. Although, it is not logical that only their products are distributed, you can design a strategy, so the idea of free samples does not incur losses for your company.

Evaluating different methods of promotion in marketing, one must give account of these strategies have not been established formulas or recipes for the success of the launch and, finally, the high sales of the product. Undoubtedly, these strategies are effective, but there are several market forces that can affect the prospects for sales of enterprises.

Know What You're Marketing.

Andrew Grill (CEO of Kred) is a good guy and he's got a lot of coverage recently for his posts that detail his failure to connect to the brand new 4G service launched by EE. While he makes some good points, I fundamentally disagree with his assertion that marketing did their job.

No, marketing absolutely did not do their job. They didn't do job number 1. They didn't ensure that what they were promoting aligned with the reality of the product/service and not some fatuous ideal.

Under-promise and over-deliver are the watchwords. More than that, given the vagaries of technology, they should have insisted on a soft launch, ensured that customers were delighted rather than disappointed and followed up with marketing that promoted that satisfaction.

As for his assertion, that EE would have saved themselves £260k if they'd realised he was a social influencer, well the less said about that the better.

Friday, 2 November 2012

Marketing Strategies and Tactics

If you want to know what are the strategies and marketing tactics, and why organizations spend much of their time, effort and money to give to them, the answer is very simple. The goal of any company is generating profits, and marketing strategies do exactly that, i.e., helping to generate more business and revenue for the business. Marketing strategies are conceived not only with regard to the sale and promotion of a product, but also on the type of service the customer organizations will give. Below is a list of some of the strategies of marketing tactics, and successful companies have been implementing in the modern today, of business competitive scenario, earn income and keep the competition at Bay.

Effective marketing strategies and tactics

Build relationships
People are very important in business, be they customers, suppliers or employees of the organization. It is not only necessary to establish relations with the clients themselves that they may come again to make repeat purchases, but also with employees and all others who the organization comes in contact during its operation, so that the Organization has a word positive of the mouth in the market.

Differentiate yourself from the competition
One of the most successful strategies and marketing techniques is to create its own identity, which is totally different from the rest of the competitors. A good way of doing this is to keep ahead of the competition by offering innovative and technologically advanced products. Therefore, a company's market research must be very strong, so change is expected in advance and the measures taken in consequence.

Creative advertising campaign
The advertising campaign should be such that underscores the advantages and strengths than a company's products and services have on that offered by competitors. The unique selling point, also known as the USP of the business may be something like an excellent after-sales service or a warranty period, which is much greater than what is offered by the competition. This must be creative emphasis on marketing and advertising campaigns.

Offer new products and schemes
It is a very common, to more effective tactics of marketing, used by many businesses today while the offer new products, as well as new schemes to customers from time to time. When a company introduces new products on the market, its customer base increases when new customers purchasing this product. At the same time, when old customers see some new innovative features of the latest product, they repeated their purchase also. This increases the volume of sales, as well as revenue for the business. Another way to increase sales, is to offer some schemes new in times of feast or during the holiday season, as a product with a discount of fifty percent over another, especially if the company has a stock without selling of property situated in advance.

Marketing strategies and implementation

For successful marketing strategies and solutions, the strategy must be regulated in such a way that it is very realistic and measurable. The strategy must also be such that it can be applicable for a very long time. For the correct application of marketing strategy, measurable goals should be set. The objectives can be defined in monetary terms, such as doubling the income of sales in six months. Once goals are set, a strategy that sets the business apart from the competition must be designed and implemented at the right time in the market.

The proper formulation, as well as the proper implementation of the strategies is equally important for them to be really successful. However, this doesn't end here. Publish your application, measure the success they have had in the generation of income and sales, help in the formulation of marketing strategies for the next year.