Monday 20 August 2012

Effective Marketing Strategies

The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines as the activities of marketing, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners and society in general. The contribution of marketing to the success of any business is highly significant. In fact, the marketing has the power to determine the success of a product or service specifically released. Effective marketing involves the application of many strategies, two of which are: advertising and public relations. Let's try to understand these two terms in the following discussion. Hereinafter in this article, the use of the term product refers to both, a service or a product that has to be marketed.


Advertising refers to any form of presentation and impersonal payment of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor.

Types of advertising

Informative advertising: This includes ads that are intended to provide product information to the customer. This form of advertising informs the client about the different features and benefits of using the product.
Persuasive advertising: the objective of this form of advertising is to persuade the consumer to buy a product or subscribe to a service. It usually includes some additional attractive features or special offers that attract even more customers to buy a product.
Comparative advertising: these types of ads, indirectly or directly, to compare the product to be marketed with another of similar characteristics. Usually, when there are only a few (usually two) major players in the market, one or all of these competitors in business using this advertising strategy.
Rememorative advertising: Advertising via this type is generally in the case of a product that is well established and has a strong position in the market. This type of advertising is used only to remind consumers about the product.

Advertising graphics

Growth phase: the function of advertising charge an immense importance in the home or a product launch. Advertising tends to be in full swing at this stage. All advertising techniques are put into use at this stage. Initially, informative advertising is used. In the last part of this phase, persuasive and informative advertising is used.
Foundation phase: once the product has established a position in the market, a combination of persuasive advertising, comparative and rememorative is observed with informative advertising maintains its level lowest.
The decrease in phase: in this phase, the whole process of advertising is suppressed. Rememorative advertising can be used in isolated cases. If there is any possibility of reactivation of the product, an innovative approach to advertising can be applied.

Objectives of advertising

To generate awareness about a product or service offered.
To inform the consumer about the various features of the product or service.
To induce the customer to buy the product or make use of the services offered.

Secrets to a good advertising

The repetition of ads
The strategic placement of advertising (including time)
Target market and segmentation while that advertising considerations
Quality of ads
Form of advertising

Public relations

Public relations refer to any form of non-remunerated communication, designed to generate a positive image of a company in the market. It can also be considered as an effort planned by an organization for the establishment of opinion favorable to the Organization and its products and services.

Public relations tools

Special events
Written material
Audiovisual material
Corporate identity material
Other (social cause, web sites, employees)

Public relations graphic

Growth phase: as in the case of advertising, public relations in the growth phase is of utmost importance for the Organization and the considerable time and effort to public relations.
Established and growth phase: it has been observed that most of the companies do not involve much importance to public relations once the product has passed the stage of growth. However, it deals with public relations with the image of the organization in general and is not limited to a particular product. Therefore, ideally, the band must have a graph that does not fall below a preset minimum. The public relations strategy should be attributed a predetermined level of importance throughout the life of an organization, and a peak must be observed with an increase in pub relations activities

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