Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Make Marketing Amateur.

"To me, an amateur photographer is one who is in love with taking pictures, a free soul who can photograph what he likes and who likes what he photographs."

Erwin Blumenfeld (Popular Photography 1948)

Friday, 23 August 2013

Media Neutrality.

"That camera doesn't know if it's a film camera or a TV camera or a streaming camera. It's just a camera."

Kevin Spacey (Edinburgh TV Festival 2013)

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Marketing Communication 101: Words.

Words can tell your potential customers a lot about the real you. Or, they can show that you're more interested in yourself than in them.


They can reveal that you're more interested in creating clever advertising than something they might read.

Or words can show your potential customers that you're interested in helping them achieve their goals.

Choose wisely.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Make Marketing Obvious.

B&Q's unloved room is a great example of a genuine insight. Something that resonates with all of us, something that was unseen in plain sight and something that B&Q can directly address. My one concern would be whether or not B&Q has tied the insight exclusively to them as opposed to just encouraging people to renovate their unloved room.

The absence of in-store design consultations and personalised product packages seems like a missed trick to me, but maybe such integrated marketing is in the pipeline. Given how keen marketing people are on "ownership",  it's surprisng how often they fail to follow through on the idea.

 The campaign also got me thinking about another unloved room - the garage. Specifically, the tendency of people to use theirs as store-rooms for unloved stuff at the expense of leaving their expensive automotive asset parked on the driveway or in the street.

This sort of actual behaviour is exactly what companies and agencies should be looking out for and acting upon. A joint-promotion between storage businesses and insurance companies would be an obvious option and one that would benefit both industries and simultaneously position them as problem-solvers in the minds of customers.

Reminding people that there are cheaper places to store their stuff and that garages are designed to protect cars from weather, damage and theft is marketing communication made easy because you're preaching to the lapsed believer rather than trying to convert the indifferent.

There will be many such examples out there, but I'm not sure enough of us are looking for them.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Responsive Marketing Not Always Responsive.

Too many people are getting over-excited about responsive content. Oreo did it very well during the Superbowl though, as I've asserted before, they got lucky with the power outtage, but now every time a topical ad appears, people start claiming that it's all down to social media.

No it's not. This sort of thing has always happened. Social media just allows it to be published quicker. It's not really responsive, it's anticipated. Nothing wrong with that, but if you think Adidas's work above was not pre-prepared, I'd suggest you take a look at the aftermath of his victory and note when he was wearing a cap, when he threw away the racquet and then the sweatbands.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Tea-Time Marketing.

My friend Amanda tweeted this picture the other day. A cafe that lets you know how long your tea has been brewing.

A business that shows its customers that it knows what's important to them and thaat they really think about quality control.

As ever, you see somethign like this and wonder why everybody doesn't do it.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Discovering Things Is Clumsy And Sporadic.

I was just listening to a radio show about Brian Eno's famous oblique strategy cards. The narrator was unable to contact the man himself and read out a quote (somewhat out of context in my opinion) that indicated it would be a fool's errand. Feeling oblique, I googled it, found the post and then saw it included this bulletin board response from "last century".  It rather puts all that innovation agency nonsense to shame doesn't it?

"I'm afraid to say that admirers can be a tremendous force for conservatism, for consolidation. Of course it's really wonderful to be acclaimed for things you've done - in fact it's the only serious reward, because it makes you think "it worked! I'm not isolated!" or something like that, and it makes you feel gratefully connected to your own culture. But on the other hand, there's a tremendously strong pressure to repeat yourself, to do more of that thing we all liked so much. I can't do that - I don't have the enthusiasm to push through projects that seem familiar to me ( - this isn't so much a question of artistic nobility or high ideals: I just get too bloody bored), but at the same time I do feel guilt for 'deserting my audience' by not doing the things they apparently wanted. I'd rather not feel this guilt, actually, so I avoid finding out about situations that could cause it.

The problem is that people nearly always prefer what I was doing a few years earlier - this has always been true. The other problem is that so, often, do I! Discovering things is clumsy and sporadic, and the results don't at first compare well with the glossy and lauded works of the past. You have to keep reminding yourself that they went through that as well, otherwise they become frighteningly accomplished. That's another problem with being made to think about your own past - you forget its genesis and start to feel useless awe toward syour earlier self "How did I do it? Wherever did these ideas come from?". Now, the workaday everyday now, always looks relatively less glamorous than the rose-tinted then (except for those magic hours when your finger is right on the pulse, and those times only happen when you've abandoned the lifeline of your own history)."

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Why Marketing Isn't Strategic (Strategy And Tactics 101).

Strategy is an expensive word and, therefore, one that proliferates on business cards and in presentations. Users of it like it to think it connotes intelligence, high-brow thinking and, most importantly, a distinction from those things called tactics which are grubby, street-level activities and thus far beneath them.

The trouble is that most of them aren't engaging in strategy. That's not to deny the value of what they do, but I don't think it's pedantic to insist that they get their terms right. If we don't understand what strategy really is, we lose sight of what we're doing and can also fall prey to any number of over-blown claims and advice.

The impetus finally to write a post on this subject was provided by a post from a high-profile consultant that featured the following list of examples ostensibly designed to illustrate the difference between strategies and tactics:

To illustrate, here’s some specific examples across different industries of how strategic goals can be communicated with clear tactical elements, in a linear and logical order:
  • Strategy: Be the market share leader in terms of sales in the mid-market in our industry. Tactics: Offer lower cost solutions than enterprise competitors without sacrificing white-glove service for first 3 years of customer contracts.
  • Strategy: Maneuver our brand into top two consideration set of household decision makers. Tactics: Deploy a marketing campaign that leverages existing customer reviews and spurs them to conduct word of mouth with their peers in online and real world events.
  • Strategy: Improve retention of top 10% of company performers. Tactics: Offer best in market compensation plan with benefits as well as sabbaticals to tenured top performers, source ideas from top talent.
  • Strategy: Connect with customers while in our store and increase sales. Tactics: Offer location based mobile apps on top three platforms, and provide top 5 needed use cases based on customer desire and usage patterns.
  • Strategy: Become a social utility that earth uses on an daily basis. Tactics: Offer a free global communication toolset that enables disparate personal interactions with your friends to monitor, share, and interact with.

You see the problem?

That's right, none of those are strategies. They're objectives. Reasonable objectives, objectives that are proxies for and measures of the success of the business's underlying strategy, but definitely objectives and not strategies.

So what is a strategy? It's the declaration of what your business can do better than anybody else, why that's the case and in a way that generates a satisfactory profit. Nothing more, nothing less. Everything else that is done in pursuit of that strategy is tactical and while the co-ordination of all that might be termed marketing planning, I don't think it can be called strategic.

I'd go further and assert that the term strategy should only be applied to corporate-level activity and should be predicated upon a sustainable competitive advantage, be that a cost advantage or some lasting form of differentiation/distinctiveness. 

In doing so, I know I'll be parting company with a number of my advertising planning friends who  are prone to talk of strategy when I think their remarkable uncovering of insights and truths is, in fact, not strategic but rather something that facilitates the creation of new tactical approaches in pursuit of existing client strategies.

And that's where marketing should be. Not in some ivory tower, but in the real world, aligning tactics with business strategy and dealing with that grubby street-level issue of connecting with customers. Marketing isn't strategic. It's more important than that.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Seven Year Marketing Itch.

I noticed that my old pal Hugh reposted his 2006 manifesto on his blog this week. Since he was kind enough back then to credit my post as an impetus, I feel justified in re-posting my old J-train minifesto today. I don't think much has changed (apart from the fact that Robert Scoble doesn't publicise my posts these days).

All Markets Are Up For Grabs.

It's no longer possible to control the conversation. While incumbents spend their time trying to cling to that belief, you have the opportunity to step in, reframe the discussion and win a new argument.

Difference Not Differentiation.

Customers have either too much stuff or not enough time and value current choices over substitutes. Minimise the behavioural change you demand of them, but give them a real reason or reasons to love your product/service.

Don't Disappoint.

Ensuring that everything works and instantly reacting to any problems is a given. Bad news travels much faster and wider than it did before. An informed customer is your best promotion but potentially your worst nightmare.

Make Your Marketing Sociable.

You can't control the conversation, but you can facilitate and, to some extent, host it in a way that allows you to build genuine relationships with potential customers rather than white-noise relationships with anyone you can bombard.

Interaction Requires Iteration.

It's not enough to listen and a single return path does not constitute a dialogue. Meaningful long-term connection with prospective customers can only come from community, co-operation and co-creation.

See The Wood For The Trees.

Don't assume you're like the customers. You're much closer to your business than they are or care to be. Find out what they're like. The shared interest at the heart of your relationship will probably not to be the product itself.

Relate, Renew and Reinvent.

If you want them to keep coming back to you, then you must keep coming back to them. It's not about new campaigns that look different. The new focus is more on product and customer development and less on explicit promotion.

Don't Forget To Sell.

Engagement is great but it doesn't pay the bills, so remember to sell. Selling is responding to the customer's interest when they choose to make the move. It's not about cutting deals, it is about making it easy for them to buy or trial.

Le ROI Est Mort.

Marketing cannot be a measurement-free zone, but increasingly its overall impact is indirect and qualitative. However, as engagement methods are less expensive than advertising, ROI will almost certainly rise and, crucially, with no increase in spending, it will continue to rise as your engagement intensifies.

Marketing Is Not A Department.

Marketing is a combination of elements that creates the environment in which it is possible to meet a customer need (starting right back at product development). It operates online and off and should inform and occupy every aspect and department of an organisation. More than ever before, it is everybody's job.

The J train that I used to ride from lower Manhattan out to JFK is synonomous for me with expanding horizons and (with its echoes of those trains called clue and hugh) it seemed an aptly contrived title for my rough draft minifesto on this evolving thing we call marketing 2.0.

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

It Is What You Do, Not The Way That You Do It.

I've written before about my belief that strategy and marketing are intimately intertwined, most notably in respect of defining who one's customers are likely to be. So, it was interesting to hear many of the entrepreneurs at a start-up competition get this wrong and define themselves as tech businesses.

Maybe influenced by two oft-cited UK success stories tech businesses that aren't actually tech busineses. They may use a lot of technology, but Moo is a printing company and Moshi Monsters is an entertainment company and they're both very sure of that.

Here's the reality. You're a tech busainess if you create technology that your customers use to do something else. If you simply use technology to produce your product/service, you're not a tech business you're a business that uses technology and there's nothing wrong with that.

Technology may be how you do what you do, but it doesn't mean it is what you do. And knowing what you do is key to knowing how to market yourself.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013


"That's not to say there haven't been a few bumps along the way, like in 2007 where they had such a high demand for their product that Tran literally could not find enough of the right chlies to make the sauce. So he asked his customers to wait instead of using an inferior product, and wait they did."

How to build a business with a $60 million turnover.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

When Everybody Zigs, It's Time To Zag.

A lot of people in the marketing and advertising world have been getting very excited about this one-off Guardian newspaper advertisement palying on Marmite's "Love it or Hate it" tagline.

Yes, it's nicely designed, but it's a nicely designed rendition of an old thought and a thought that had been everywhere in the days before this image appeared.

And while we know that individual ads don't shift the sales of newspapers, my other problem with it is that the last thing that would have made a newspaper appear distinctive this weekend was another analysis of Baroness Thatcher.

Far better to have focussed on promoting something completely different or (as Rob Campbell suggested to me) an ad guaranteeing there was no coverage of Thatcher in the issue.

As Kit Kat prove by linking their "Take a Break" trope to the concept of a No Wi_FI zone, distinctiveness can lie in doing the opposite of what everyone else is doing.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

It's Who You Know, Not What You Know That Matters.

Google Reader was like TiVo for the web, appealing to completists and skippers alike. Read everything or read nothing. The choice was yours.

Jason Shellen - founding product manager of Google Reader writing in Techcrunch on March 23 2013

RSS:Really Simply Stated - It's TIVO For Blogs.

An irrelevant blogger writing on October 1 2006

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Keeping Real-Time Marketing Real.

Did Oreo really win the Superbowl? Did Dulux have a Oreo moment during the Brits last night?

Real-time content marketing is all the rage, but let's face some facts. Oreo's Superbowl success waa based on a rightly praised but very traditional existing campaign and, I'd argue, they got lucky with the power blackout. The question that will never be answered is what would have happened if the lights had stayed on? Would the versions thay must have pre-prepared to focus upon preditable outcomes of team victorie, individual performances or the half-time show have had the same impact?

This leads us to last night's Dulux tweet.

Although smart, my guess is that it wasn't genunely real-time marketing as the statuette design was announced long ago. Nothing wrong with that, but look at the small number of online shares. That's really is mini. It's all very well for the writer to suggest the spread was much wider beause he liked the idea, but that doesn't mean it did.

This sort of agile response can work well and has dne in print advertiasing for decades, but now that lead-times are reduced, there's a big danger lurking below the surface. Having created a "content command centre" will marketers dare to remain silent in the absence of a really good real-time idea? Or is it more likely that we'll be carpet-bombed with the misjudged and the mediocre?

More than ever, the emphasis has to be less on the real-time and more on the real marketing.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

The Wisdom Of Dave Trott.

1) Don't define yourself by your department.

2) Being professional means being objective.

3) People must notice the advertising (words that never appear in the brief).

4) It's all about Bernbach's "Timeless Human Truths".

5) Branding: being unable to repeat the ad without naming the product.

6) You don't need twelve housewives from Slough.

7) Ads don't run on the boardroom table.

Photo by Nicole Yershon, shoulder by me.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Make Marketing Clearer.

Good marketing should share the same mindset as business strategy.

Strategy is about identifying and exploiting a sustainable competitive advantage - a fancy way of saying what it is you do better than anyone else and how you intend to maintain that (either by excellence or manoeuvering).

Good marketing does the same - it's the distillation of the essence of what it is your company's strategy or entrepreneurial instinct has generated and its aim is to convince customers that your product/service meets their needs better than any other.

Now, you wouldn't know about this shared mindset from the bloated mission statements and blandly pompous marketing ideas that are often mistaken for strategy and good marketing. But those tend to be ego-driven rather than customer-driven and overlook the fact that they're about communicating with people. People who make happen the things you want to happen - be they employees who execute the strategy or customers who validate the marketing by buying the end product

Seems clear to me.

Inspired by this post about brand onions.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

What The FARC?

In 2011, the advertisement above was part of a much-lauded and Grand Prix winning campaign The agency declared that

The powerful, timely and well-located messaging encouraged 331 FARC guerrillas to demobilise and re-enter society—a 30% uplift on the previous year. In challenging circumstances, strategic planning drew together powerful insights to create a core, successful, thought – taking the spirit of Christmas to guerrilla strongholds.

The judges swooned and there were awards all round.

Yesterday, the FARC rebels ended their unilaterally-declared 2012 Christmas ceasefire with a series of attacks across Colombia. This marked a significant increase on the 52 that had occurred during the ceasefire.

 It would be wrong to wonder how many of the rebels had returned from spending Christmas with their families, but it ccertainly reminds us that "effectiveness" is a very odd concept and that the industry can be a little arrogant. Meanwhile,  people die.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Crowdsourced Ethnography.

This minor #ikeascenes meme just appeared on my Twitter timeline.

I'm guessing it started as the sort of online reportage that used to make Twitter great. But, it also strikes me that it would be a smart way to do initiate some quick and dirty crowd-sourced ethnography.

While Google et al have learned to crowd-source translation and other data-gathering via online games and captchas, this ikeascenes meme is appealing to our love of spreading humour. And there's much more truth in humour than you'll find in focus-groups.

Monday, 7 January 2013

Devoid Of Sound And Fury, Signifying Everything.

Renowned London department store Selfridges is soon to open a Quiet Room featuring a number of special versions of well-known products from which "all brand-noise is removed".

Except they seem to have forgotten to remove all but the slightest amount of the "brand noise" from every example I've seen. Which, of course, is the point.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Cumulative Marketing Strengthens Experiential Ties.

On Christmas Day, some Swiss friends tweeted that they were exploring the temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia. I duly Googled and vicariously experienced their day, albeit without the tropical heat.

Obviously, it wasn't the same experience. But, in time, it won't be too different because memories fade and need to be renewed by discussion and prompted by examination of mementoes and photography. Without that, our experiences might well converge.

I've been to great gigs and notable theatriccal events, some of which are mentioned in hallowed terms online. But I don't rreally emember them. Neither the details of the Hollywood A-listers' rare live appearance, nor the detail of the performance that led me to correctly tell the members of the uncredited support act that they would be huge as they handed out flyers outside the venue.

Experience is cumulative - an accumulation of weak ties strengthened by frequent revisiting and re-imagining. Even in the case of the big events. Marketers should remember that.